Parrot Parrot

Are Pellets a Panacea

Or Is a Balanced, Varied Diet the Answer?

Hyacinth Macaw Eating Grapes

Many people question the quality of pelleted diets for bird. They wonder if these foods truly constitute the healthiest nutritional plan for their parrots, finches, and other pet birds. While some veterinarians have completely gone over to an all-pelleted diet, many people instinctively feel this can’t be the answer for their pets. Sometimes in answer to a client’s concerns about an all-pelleted diet, the vet will say, “Birds do not eat only seeds in the wild.” This might be true, but I know for sure that birds do not eat any pellets in the wild, so this is hardly a sound argument in favor of a totally pelleted diet. Continue reading »

Aspergillus – Are Peanuts Safe for Parrots

Double Yellow Head Amazon

Aspergillosis is a very difficult-to-treat disease that can affect parrots and other birds. Aspergillus species are a type of fungus found in the environment. Generally, birds with other underlying health problems are most susceptible to infection. However, certain foods or elements in the environment can increase the risk to even healthy birds. Continue reading »

Pumpkin Seeds – A Great Seasonal Treat

Cinammon Kakariki

Pumpkin is a type of squash and makes a great food for pet birds.  The simplest way to prepare pumpkin is to cut it into cubes and steam it for 35-40 minutes or until soft.  You can mash the cubes for smaller birds such as finches. Serve them whole to larger birds such as senegals and macaws. Continue reading »

A Healthy Diet for Parrots

Greenwing Macaw

The best diet for birds has been a subject of debate for many years now. The growing popularity of pet birds has created a market for special foods, from quick-cook pasta mixes to pellets. Many owners feel bombarded with conflicting information. Their veterinarian says feed just pellets, but a friend who breeds hundreds of beautiful parrots says seeds, fresh vegetables, and whole grains are the best diet. So what is the ideal diet for your pet birds? Continue reading »

Quinoa – A Healthy Grain for Birds

Raw Quinoa

Quinoa (pronounced “kee-nwa”) is a South American grain that looks somewhat like millet, but has a lighter, more golden color. It was the favored grain of the Incas of Peru before the Conquistadors arrived in the 16th century. It was “re-discovered” in the 1980s by a couple of Americans, who proceeded to grow and study the plant in the United States. Generally, the grain is found in health food stores. You can buy the grain itself or a variety of foods that are made from it (cereals, pasta, bread). Birds relish quinoa. Continue reading »

Wheatgrass – Health Food for Parrots

If those juicebars have shown up in your town surely you’ve seen those flats of rich, green grass sitting on the counter. People have been juicing wheatgrass and drinking a small “shot” of it for many decades now. A special juicer is used for this purpose. It extracts the nutrient-rich green juice from the blades. Birds have a built-in juice extractor: their beaks. They squeeze the delicious, nutritious juice from each blade, then discard the indigestible portion. Sometimes you will also see wheatgrass sold in tiny pint-sized containers as “kitty grass.” Cats relish this grass and it is nutritious for them as well. Continue reading »

Does a Bird Make a Good Gift?

English Budgie and Wild-Type Budgie

During the gift-giving season many people decide to surprise family members with a new pet. It is exciting to bring in that special present with a new cat, dog, or bird. However, before bringing a young bird into your home during the holiday, you should take a few things into consideration. Continue reading »

Should I Own More than One Bird – Or Three – Or Five?

Young Sun Conure

Many people know the feeling: you have a wonderful parrot that has become a beloved member of the household. You enjoy visiting pet stores and seeing what birds they have. You coo at the precious baby parrots with their downy backs. You laugh at the just-weaned Amazon parrot who is already saying, “Helloooo!” You start to think, “Another bird would be great!” Continue reading »

Issues with Mixing Bird Species in the Home

Baby Blue Belly Roller

Bono and Lissel seemed to get along perfectly. They groomed each other, chattered together as they drifted into a midafternoon nap, and often played with the same toys. Their owner loved to take photos of the pair playing together. It amazed him to see bird as big as Bono, a red-bellied parrot of the Poicephalus family, play with an adorable little spangled budgerigar. “What a funny odd couple!” he thought. That was until the day Lissel flew to him and he noticed his beak hanging at a strange angle. Continue reading »

The Educated Bird Buyer – Part II

Jenday Conure

Last week we discussed pet stores and bird marts as sources for birds. There are a number of other places where you can find a pet or breeder bird.  You can buy directly from a breeder, from classified ads (resale birds), or adopt a bird from a sanctuary. Here are some tips on these sources. Continue reading »

Parrot Gallery

Blue and Gold Macaw Eclectus Gloucester Grey Cheek (Pocket Parrot) triton2 amcinv gallery10 gallery5