Parrot Parrot

Copyright & Reprint Information

All materials in this website except where explicitly stated are the property of Vera Appleyard and This includes graphics, text, movies, and any other creative material. These items are protected by International Copyright Law. You cannot reprint any material or use any graphics without explicit written permission from Vera Appleyard.

There have been a number of sites that have taken whole sections of this web site and reproduced them without credit, representing them as their own. We will take vigorous action against such violations if upon notification the offending party does not remove these items. We have already taken actions that have resulted in the removal of web sites from the servers where they are hosted. Most web hosts will remove sites that violate international copyright law.

If you arrived at this page by following the registered watermark on an image, you may have copied an image that is being used without permission on another site. We would appreciate any information you can give us about where you found this image, such as exact website page addresses where copyrighted images have been used without permission. We may even offer a reward in extreme cases where your information leads to successful legal prosecution of such infringements. Please e-mail us any information about illegal use of our images or text.

Permission to Reprint:

You can easily obtain permission to reprint articles on this site. You must email us. You should state exactly where you intend to place the material (give your web site address or the name of the print publication). In all cases you must put the following credit at the TOP of the page:

Article reprinted with permission of

In the case of websites, this line must be hyperlinked back to

In the case of print publications, the credit should read, “Article by Vera Appleyard of Reprinted with permission.”

We reserve the right to reject a request to reprint sections of our website and the right to withdraw this right at a later date if the website no longer meets our criteria.

We sometimes grant permission to use a limited number of photographs. However, we reserve the right to withhold permission to reprint certain photographs that represent the brand

In cases where we feel someone has knowingly used our material with the full understanding of copyright law, we will not give permission to reprint after-the-fact. As a professional writer, I find it particularly offensive when someone puts a very strong copyright statement on THEIR site, and then copies material from another site. It is truly a violation to claim such legal ownership to material not their own. In these cases, we will simply ask the website owner to remove the illegal reprint. If the person honestly did not understand copyright law or simply gave a credit that did not meet our requirements, we are willing to allow them to use the material after-the-fact in exchange for the proper credit and link.

Please note that copyrighted works are not limited to those that bear a copyright notice. Changes in copyright law clearly state that works published after March 1, 1989 do not need to bear a copyright notice to be protected under the statutes. Therefore, if a particular page does not contain the copyright line, that page is still protected by applicable copyright law. Many people do not understand this aspect of the law and it is advised that they do more research on the topic before even considering reprinting someone else’s creative work.

In cases where the offending party refuses to remove the material, our first step will be to notify their web host of copyright violations. Recent legislation has made it clear that these hosts can be held partially liable for copyright infringement if they knowingly allow such sites to be hosted on their servers.

Anyone who thinks this is overly stringent should consider that this material took time and energy to create. I do this for a living. Theft of my material is not only offensive, but can harm my business by diluting the value of my web site. It is theft, plain and simple, and is no different from walking out of a store with a VCR under your coat.

For more information on copyright law as it applies to the web, please visit:

Web Theft

General copyright law/intellectual rights information:

Berne Convention (International Copyright Law)
US Copyright Office
World Intellectual Property Organization

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